[The following was submitted for publication in the April 8, 2005 Prairie Fire newsletter.]


On April 3 the Humanist Union heard a very informative presentation on Ethical Culture (sometimes also referred to as Ethical Humanism) by Bridget and Thomas Doxtater of Reedsburg. Before moving to Wisconsin last year the Doxtaters were members of the Ethical Humanist Society of Greater Chicago (http://www.ethicalhuman.org/), a group similar in size to Prairie but dating back to the 1800s. In their overview they reviewed Ethical Culture history, including the role of Felix Adler (1851-1933), legal recognition of Ethical Culture as a non-theistic religion, the independence of local societies under the American Ethical Union federation, the importance of ethical action and music to the movement and more. For those interested who missed the meeting, a copy of the Doxtaters presentation outline will be available under Past Events at http://humanist.madisonwi.us/events.htm. The meeting was attended by members of First Unitarian Society and the Free Congregation of Sauk County as well as by Prairie members.